Be brave. Your heart is right.
I have this knowing inside of me where I have known ever since I can remember, that adults get brainwashed into believing what is possible for them.
But kids KNOW. Kids know what is true, because they are fresh from heaven. They see the world without rules that man has made up. The key is to stay connected to your inner child that believed anything was possible, because yes- there are rules and laws but I am not talking about breaking any laws.
I am talking about questioning everything you tell yourself you "can't". There is always another avenue besides the easiest one you can think of. There are probably dozens or hundreds of ways something you desire to achieve, experience, or become, can occur.
YOU are actually born of Heavenly Parents, they created your soul and I believe they. give you your inspirations. It's all based on the feeling.
To me, there is a very clear feeling of what "I believe I can"/hopefulness, and believing FEELS like vs. the feeling of "I could never do that"/it's not possible/I'm not good enough/ I'm too _____/ it's too late feels like.
Really? I dare you to imagine having a conversation with God and telling him a desire. you have, and have him reply "You're too late, you missed your chance you so might as well not try." REALLY? Uhhh no. Cause that's a lie.
What does hopefulness feel like in your body? What is great to recognize is that people will behave the way they will behave, but you can choose your ideas.