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The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
Wishes Fulfilled: Art of Manifesting
NOBODY should have to do work they hate, and EVERYONE has the freedom to choose to follow their soul’s calling.
I do not assume there is anything you can’t do. When you tell me your biggest dream in fact, I will ask you if you can dream bigger!
I believe in exploring foreign lands, getting comfortable with being uncomfortable, and that there's nothing a disney song and deep breathing can’t make better.
-Teaching singing and performance coaching for 2 years
-Student Teacher through Institute of Vocal Advancement
-Currently studying with Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy
-200 Hour Yoga Teacher Certification
-Level 1 Thai Massage Certification from Chiang Mai Thai Massage School
-Bachelors of Science in International Studies from The University of Utah
-CAP21 Professional Musical Theatre Program in NYC
-Completion of The Disney College Program Internship
-Written and recorded many original songs
-Choreographed and filmed original and cover music videos
-Deeply studied (and continues to study) embodiment, meditation, and emotional presence.
-Singer at Transformational Events