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Writer's pictureAnnie Cowden

Why I Keep Going

So I have been killing it , and here is the thought I want to expand on. I want to share with you my mindset for how I continue to show up and push through when I don't feel like it.

So after I have identified my professional and creative and soul goals: Duh-performing at Disney, performing on tours, performing at any theme park, basically -dancing and singing to feel good uplifting music and getting paid to do it, and be able to live a fun life singing and choreographing and performing and teaching and recording and hosting...etc. Then I essentially just ask myself what is required of the person who 'books the gig'. Then I say what is required to be able to do that.


For (fill in the blank gig) it is required to be able to sing this note, in this way, and have this type of voice style and must be a believable, honest actress. She obviously must audition, get a callback, and then get cast.

What is required to be able to act honestly and sing in this way?

Well in order to act honestly...I guess she probably needs feedback, experience, and an acting coach. To sing this way...she must have training. Vocal lessons.

That's it! That is the formula in a nutshell. It's really longer and more complex, and I have so many goals and different shows so I admit it is a challenge for me to know where to place my I do Hip Hop or ballet? Should I train classically? Etc. But EITHER WAY, I must move the needle forward.

I have learned from reading The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson, that it is much more important to do something every day, than to cram. I remind myself of that when I feel like I didn't do enough. Maybe I only took one dance class instead of two! And I see I am beating myself up. But you know what, I do my best. I can't do anything else, just my best. Now don't get confused, I am not writing myself a free pass slip to go be a victim and say "I didn't feel like it".

Quite the opposite.

If I don't "feel like" dancing or practicing a song I have a little conversation with myself, that goes like this.

Me: I don't want to sing, I'm not in the mood.

Other Me: Oh okay, that makes sense. It's okay we can't always be in the mood to do things.

Me: Yeah I just don't even feel like it would be worth it today if I did.

Other Me: What do you want? I said you wanted xyx...

Me: I DO, but

Other me: But what? If that is what you want, then this is what must be done to get it. Otherwise I don't want you to complain later about not having what you want. You can't complain, if you don't put in effort. You have to 'work' in one sense or another. Life demands work and brain power of us humans. If you don't spend it on this, eventually you're gonna spend it on something that you despise.

Something like that.

The point is- I do it because I tell myself it is the price that must be paid for my dream. Now the tricky part is, is when the dream doesn't seem that appealing. When we are not in a right state of mind, then I can even talk myself out of a dream, or say I just don't need to do something TODAY for it. That's a LIIIEEEEEE lie lie lie lie lie. Today is the only day that matters. Today's the day your dreams are coming truuuuuueee! My dreams come true every day I believe in myself.

Because we think we want something because we think we will feel a certain way when we get it. But when I decide to go to the audition, the voice lesson, the dance class, coach myself on a monologue-whatever it is- than my cup is full because I did what I could do. And I FEEL fulfilled. Which is what I perceive I would feel if I had the dream anyway. So at the end of the day, I am happier when I made progress.

Don't give up! Don't do it! You might think about it, but then step back and tell yourself that you are a divine human just like every other soul on this earth, and you can have your dream.

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