I feel excited to just write from my heart. ❤️ Writing is actually something I love, hence why I am starting to write more blog posts.
I am taking the month of January off of instagram, but I still have this desire within me to share. I am quickly realizing that blogs are a much more fitting platform for the type of writing I want to do anyway. This is a good thing.
Today I want to talk about creating, and magic, and your scars.
"Sometimes the world seems against you, the journey may leave a scar
but scars can heal and reveal just where you are
the people you love will change you
the things you learn will guide you
And nothing on earth can silence
the quiet voice still inside you"
These lyrics come from a song from Disney's Moana. I think it's absolutely the best! Nobody gets through life without battle wounds. Life does not go the way you expect. You may not be where you thought you'd be by now. You may be disappointed with life or disappointed in yourself. But the truth is, is that you STILL have what you need within you.
I think the real real secret is to take your power back. Take your power as a CREATOR back. How? Well it starts by not letting in so much content into your brain. In other words less consuming, will = more creating. This is one reason I gave my instagram password to my friend and had her change it so I literally couldn't get back into Instagram if I tried. I think it really did a negative thing for me overall. Sometimes I wonder where I would be if I didn't have instagram. There's lots of positive things about instagram. And it was just getting too much for me personally.
I never got off the app feeling better, inspired, happy. Mostly it just made my eyes hurt more from looking a screen, I had about a hundred things I saw that gave me ideas, or saw different products I 'should' buy, etc. And I saw pictures of kids I used to babysit and my cousins, and some funny memes, and those are the positives, but they weren't outweighing the negatives for me.
The last line, nothing on earth can silence the quiet voice still inside you. My tangent applies to this because I could not even recognize the quiet voice inside me because there was too much external noise!!! Just CUT IT OUT.
It will take time, to come back to yourself. To your real self where you feel like "Oh this is me." The less I'm seeing what others are doing, the more TIME and SPACE I naturally have to choose something else. I feel like when I am on social media, I am not really consciously and intentionally choosing what I am doing. It's an autopilot habit that I had to interrupt the pattern by completely making it impossible for me to return to.
What I've already found is
I feel like I can breathe better, like there is a huge burden off my shoulders, and lighter. I feel like someone just gave me my time back. I feel like someone just gave me permission to do what I want. And I am finding the music I love again. I am finding that I am journaling more, and doing yoga more. And I am getting my creative passion back to write songs and create videos.
And I am getting back into the headspace where I can REALLY see that I can create anything. I can literally make something new. I can create something that doesn't even have to fit in a category. I don't even know what I am talking about but I think you can feel what I am saying with my words!!
What if you committed to creating something small each day? Just meaning, before you intentionally created it, it wasn't there. Even if it doesn't seem "creative" like if you just draw a stick figure, even so you are intentionally picking up a pencil to draw a stick figure.
What if
this was the beginning of your new chapter? What if all of the scars you collected on your journey, are not holding you back, but are giving you a solid foundation to grow from here. What if you can do anything? What if you tried? What would happen if you tried?
Even if you don't know what your dream is, or what you would try...what if you decided to believe to be curious about it? What is the worst that can happen if you go on an exploration to discover what you really love? What is the worst that can happen if you decide that everyday you are going to say to yourself,
"I am excited about discovering new passions."
"I am getting closer and closer to my dream each day."
"I believe in myself" or "I am willing to try believing in myself."
"I actually get to choose my standards, and I no longer settle for ___________________" "Nobody is making me _________________"
"I promise to approach the day with curiosity"
"The magic I am looking for lives within me. So I already have it. So I don't need to look anywhere for it. Now that I remember I have the magic with me, I am going to ______________"
Please go to 11 minutes and 20 seconds in this song, and listen to it! Or you can listen to the whole thing but you may not have the time right now. So just go to the time stamp 11:20.
Have a magical day, and remember it's up to you to INVITE the magic into your day!