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Writer's pictureAnnie Cowden

Not Your Job To...

Updated: Jul 22, 2020

Let's clear something up: It's not and never has been your job to create something that every living human being loves and praises.

Great now that we have cleared that out of the way, go on making and sharing your art! It's zero percent relevant to you, your worth, your identity, and even your work if one person reacts a certain way.

This might seem contradictory, but here is something that can give you great freedom if you let it. I say it might seem contradictory or counter intuitive because you may say, "Annie, isn't that negative thinking?" To which I reply, "No, it's not negative thinking. It just simply is. And you can simply just be you, because people are going to just be them anyway."

What if I try out and don't make it? That for sure will happen! You definitely will try out for things and not make it. Next? What if some people criticize what I put out and are negative about it? Oh, that definitely is going to happen! Not even a question. 100%. Next?

What if people gossip about me if I start changing and sharing what I want? Yep they will. Are you gonna let that stop you from doing what you wanna do?

What if it isn't perfect? Like what if I try my hardest and I still can't do it perfect, or what I create isn't perfect? That one's easy...because it never ever will be perfect so you actually don't even need to worry about that. Repeat after me: My job/role/purpose/mission/task is not to "create something that every human being will love and praise". NO WHERE was that assignment given to you. Not from God and not from man. You merely are a creator like the rest of us, and have a vision and are called to create and share. You are called to share your voice.

The clearer you see yourself as your own being and you see others as their own being, the easier it becomes to set your own thermostat temperature and stay there even when others around you are at a lower temperature.

Decide to be unwavering in your positivity and hope.

Let's talk about the ASSUMPTIONS we make. Usually we make assumptions when someone makes a facial expression and we automatically are experts and mind readers

and we know that they hate us and think we are stupid and annoying.

Well, guess what you are not a mind reader. A facial expression is just different muscles on someone's face changing. So the next time you do something awesome and exciting and someone "makes a facial expression" that you are assuming means that you are horrible, remember that the muscles on their face just moved, and you are still a divine being of light. That never changed.

I wanted to share this old headshot of mine. I got this while I was living in NYC in 2015! This girl was 19 or maybe 20 when this picture was taken. She wanted things to be perfect before she moved to New York but she had an opportunity to go and she went. And she knew that "now is it". Always.

At this time I spent much of my days exploring the city, memorizing scenes for my acting class on the subway, and getting off new subway stops I had never been to. You can live there your whole life and never see it all.

I knew back then what I know now, which is you are deserving of your dreams. You are deserving to be in whatever room you want to be in. Stop pretending like people are on pedestals, they are not. You are here for a reason, and don't ever believe anything different.

As always, you can book a free complimentary discovery call with me if you are forgetting your purpose and feel over burdened with doubt.



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