It is true what the title test result was POSITIVE!
I want to share with you my story of the symptoms and my quarantine.
It started on a Sunday night. I started getting an achey body. We were having family dinner, and once we were done with dinner I was just sort of tired and my body seemed to be starting to hurt, similar to what happens at the beginning of the flu. I was hoping I was just tired but I was just starting to hurt.
So it was only about 7:00 but I told everyone I was going to my room. I just laid in bed, and eventually started to get the chills, and then hot, and then back and forth. I don't really remember much about Sunday and Monday it was kind of a blur. I know I had a fever on Monday and was hot and cold all day. And SUPER body achey.
One of my jobs is to do enrollment calls and I talk to women on zoom all day, but I had ZERO energy to get up and set up my desk and my light...saying it now makes me sound lazy haha but you know those sick times when just standing up is the biggest burden? So I still did my work calls but from my bed without the camera and just did audio calls. On Tuesday it was the same, just in bed with a fever and body aches. Then a headache started showing up in the afternoon. It would not go away.
I went to bed at 9 and woke up at midnight with the headache. Finally submitted to taking some ibuprofen. Which I don't know if it kicked in, I was awake for a few more hours and I don't feel like it started going away until 4AM. Then I went to bed. The headache came back and was there ALL DAY Wednesday. I drove to get a covid test (saliva of course). Then went back and got in bed.
Thursday I woke headache!! I could finally function and not be in bed. I was pretty sure I didn't have covid since I was feeling so good and I never lost my taste and smell. I was feeling good enough in fact I was going to go the gym as soon as I got my covid test back negative.
But then I was doing some work calls and I saw my test had been updated. So I looked it up and it said in capital letters: DETECTED
I honestly didn't care that I had it, I was obviously already getting better and it wasn't going to be a big deal for me. The big deal is that I have to quarantine, and now my family had to quarantine, and the big deal is that I hadn't exactly been quarantining in my room , I mean I guess I mostly was but just because I was tired I had to lay in bed. But I was still in the kitchen cooking with my family and stuff. And I live with my mom so we couldn't let her get it.
So obviously I was banished to my room and had to wear a mask should I ever leave my room. At first my mom decided my brother would bring me all my food. That lasted about a day when I realized that was not gonna work to have to ask him to make something every time I was hungry. So she said if I wiped everything I touched I could go in the kitchen.
She ended up leaving and going to stay at her friend's apartment who was out of town. My other brother started getting some symptoms but didn't seem as bad as mine. He's still waiting his results.
I've been really creative and made some fun videos in my room but I'm going to be honest I am at the breaking point. Even the difference of being in the living room and kitchen vs just your room. I am going crazy. It's too hard to have your room be eveything. I promise you I am going to Hawaii in December or January. I promise.
One video I made is this one woman show of "One Day More"