Hi friend!
Connecting to your intuition is a muscle. That means it can strengthen and you can grow more and more confident.
Do you think if you did 3 pushups every morning this week, and then next week you did 5 push ups ever morning, that eventually you would be able to keep adding on more and more? Of course! If you do it consistently, it's not possible for you to not get stronger.
So how do you strengthen your intuition?
1. More time journaling, less time scrolling
2. Meditation
3. Working with a life coach, who guides you to be your own guru.
4. Making still quiet time not-optional.
If I hear the excuse one more time that, "Oh I'm not a journaler. I'm not into journaling, etc." That's kind of the point my friend. :) If you're going to make any change in your life you must have a beginner's mind. That means approaching something with the idea that you could be wrong, and maybe just maybe, you might not know everything. I know it sounds far fetched- but that's where growth happens. If you are so stubborn and committed to the identity that "you don't journal", then you are closing yourself off to blessings and exciting discoveries you could be making.
This would be like if you are at a river, and there is a kayak sitting right there at the river. There are people free and happy and joyful on the other side of the river and you say "How do I get to where you are?! I will do anything!!" And they say, "Get in the kayak!" And you say, "Oh, I'm not a kayaker actually! I don't know how, I tried one time and I fell out. I actually am not a kayaker. "
Sorry not sorry to be so blunt but that is the truth. I share that dramatic example so you can see how you are hurting yourself by saying "I don't journal" or "I don't meditate".
You are the one in charge of how much you scroll. You don't have to look at anyone's stories, you don't have to respond to every notification right away. Don't let that ROB your time. It's your time. You choose what happens. Journal, and get to know yourself.
Journal, and sit down and ask a question. The same question you have been seeking from outside of you! Now, if you DID know the answer, write in response to your question. This is a practice of getting to know your intuition.
Meditation is the same thing, don't tell me you can't meditate. Or do tell me, but then i don't know why you're here or asking how to get across the river. Meditating. Maybe this will relieve some tension about it- you are not supposed to have a clear mind. Whoever told you that is wrong. Meditation is only about awareness and observing. You most likely will not have a kundalini awakening enlightening moment. And for some people, if they can't see the immediate benefit then their point is, that it's not useful.
Remember what I told you about the push ups? If you meditate for 10 minutes every day. You WOULD feel more comfortable doing it, you WOULD notice the benefits, and you WOULD increase the time. You can do a guided meditation, breath meditation, meditations specific to things like anxiety or forgiveness or love or acceptance. You can try just setting on your timer and commit to sitting or laying and listening to and feeling your breath come through your nose, and expand your rib cage for whatever length of time you choose.
Coaching, consulting, and therapy are all different. They are all good at the right place and time. The reason I suggested working with a life coach, is because a great life coach is so skilled at asking impeccable questions that help YOU connect the dots in your head between your own patterns, emotions, behaviors, thoughts. There is absolutely zero advice giving, and it's more about having a safe, judgement free space of being able to talk through your own stuff. They will simply illuminate ideas that you have said, and then once you have the space to talk about it to someone who's job is to listen to you, then you will make drastic connections. The reason this is included in the post on how to strengthen the muscle of listening to your intuition, is because a coach will ask you what YOU think about something, or what YOU think you should do, and after enough sessions it will start to become natural. You will start to ask yourself and know the inner gut feeling.
Yes, journaling and meditation are about this still time. But the key in this point is still an action step- it is that YOU have to PRIORITIZE it. It will not happen on it's own. That's why it's called "the still small voice". Because the voice is small. So you literally have to think of it as it's own experience that you are journying to. For example, I am so used to meditating and yoga now, and I know the different FEELINGS and STATES I am in when I complete them, so I think of it as "going to that place". Like if I am working on my laptop, or cleaning, doing something very productive and I know that I should meditate or journal or do yoga but the thing I am doing seems so much more productive, then I think of it like getting in my car and going to the dentist, the store, the dance studio. Even though the quiet time is something you do at home, the point is you have to use your POWER OF CHOICE to choose to stop what you are doing and go meditate or journal. It's up to you.