We all are born with a guidance system inside. I think the best way to hear it is to understand what is distracting you!
As soon as I write down what I am spending most of my time doing, and I make a list of "needle movers", everything changes.
A needle mover list is great. What you do is, be really clear on deciding what your goal is. I suggest like a 6 month-2 year goal. You may not know how long it will take, but approximately within that time frame. The way life works, it COULD happen sooner and could happen later. Either way, this will help you.
What is your dream? Great, not be more specific.
What regular behaviors and actions does that person take?
What will make you better at the skills needed to do what the person you want to be does?
See, you are already starting to form your needle mover list. Essentially, it's a list of something that brings you closer or farther from your goal. Does staying up late and not getting enough sleep, help you or hurt you.
Does going to yoga help your goal or hurt your goal.
Does writing for 10 minutes every day help you or hurt your goal.
A list might look like:
Write for 20 minutes a day
Take creative writing courses
Read inspiring books
Go to book clubs
Take care of my body
Have X amount of savings
Talking with people who have done what I want to do
Going on a run (you might put this, if you notice going on a run helps your creativity and your goal was around writing a book)
And your list will be much longer. But when you articulate it, and you find yourself making decisions, you may more easily be able to recognize, oh okay this is helping me with my goal. And you will take action even without motivation.