I was going to spend a paragraph defending princesses and why they are a good example (I wrote a 12 page paper on that in college) but I decided if you clicked on the link, you probably like princesses too and I don't need to defend them.
You get to be an ACTOR. You have to try it! Pick a princess-any princess. All of them in one way or another had something they wanted, or believed in, and they freaking did something about it.
But how the freak could they do something about it if they didn't say what they wanted?? That's where many people are stuck complaining, they are complaining that they are "stuck" but have you even said what you wanted???? Rapunzel darn well wanted out of that tower. Cinderella had a clear goal. She wanted to go to the ball. Ariel wanted to be on the land and be with Eric. end of story. She wasn't all wishy washy. Cinderella grew up with that stepmother engraining in her mind that she wasn't even worthy to go to the ball. Do you ever wonder why Cinderella even thought it might be an option for her? Good for her, for knowing her true identity. You're worthy go to the ball. Who in the banana pancakes told you you couldn't go to the ball? Who is the evil stepmother in your life?? Who told you you aren't 'eligible' to live your dream life?
Why can't you be a regular at the Ritz Carlton?
Why can't you make a bunch of residual income and go help families in third world countries?
Why couldn't you move up in your dream company? Your brain doesn't have a good answer. If you even have an answer it is a lie.
Try living life in a new way. That means you don't make choices from the same state you have always. It means you think of something you want to do, then feel the fear, and FREAKING DO IT ANYWAY.