Hi Friend!
Tell me in the comments below your thoughts to this question, I really want to connect with you!
Do you think excitement is enlightenment?!
How are you relating to your emotions, particularly when you feel excited? I am PRO acting on excitement. I think you need to act on it and I think it IS. big deal. WHY? Why is it so important that I dedicate my time reminding my fellow humans on this planet earth? Because. The more you act on excitement, the more comfortable you're going to be acting on excitement.
The more you will see faith working. Because faith IS about works. It's not about sitting in your comfortable safety boat. It is literally about walking forward and trusting.
I care about this because AHHHHH every time you deny that prompting that you felt, and you let your mind talk you out of it, then THAT is going to become routine. We do not want that. I do not wish that for you. Just play both scenarios forward and you tell me which life you'd rather be living in? The one who feels excited and called, and then suppress and ignores it, and waits for a better time? Or the one who feels excited and called (and scared!) but decides to believe in themself just 51% than they don't believe. That's it- and takes the shot. And rises. And falls and rises and continues and starts to develop trust and belief in themself and in God.
Best tools for making decisions are
1. Be aware of your state. (Your emotional, energetic, mental state).
2. Do a big perspective view. That means remember where you came from, and that you were saved to be on this earth at this time. Remember you are uniquely you and there is no other you. Remember that you are not going to be on earth forever, and that you will live forever in heaven. Remember that you are supported and loved unconditionally.
I believe that when you are excited, you have just found something worth more than a diamond. When you feel excited, you have just won the lottery. You don't need anything else, other than that. If you don't feel excited about something, by golly I promise if you explore what it is you are the MOST interested in right now, and actually do something with it, then you will be led. Just DO something. Research, take a class, who cares if you don't want to do it the rest of your life. At least develop a skill in something.
You don't know what you don't know. Stop pretending like you know you like or don't like something when you haven't really tried.