I have realize how much I am always looking up my next adventure. I want a guarantee of a virtual sustainable income so that I can travel and say I will go live on this island for 2 months, then I am going to go on a biking trip in Portugal.
The download that I got: Nothing is guaranteed, so all we can do is pick what to do right now. Because even if I WAS able to plan the next year and a half of my life and had unlimited money, I wouldn't. be. able. to. because of this surprise plot twist of having to quarantine if you even DO go somewhere.
But in a way this is the way I have always lived.
When I was 19 and it was the summer after my first year of college, I had applied for National Student Exchange to go to school in New York City for a semester, I had this thought that was my personal answer, my revelation for me that said:
"You know you can go right now. You don't know if you can go in the future".

We think the unknown is unknown, but I think even the known is unknown. Exhibit COVID19 hahaha. How many of you thought your 2020 was planned? Did you think you'd be out of. a job or working from home? No.
So my point is, when I said YES to my desires, I was taken care of, and I never regretted it.
The struggle right now for me is the invitation to rest! Ah yes, we are all being invited to rest!
My question for you to think of now is...what would you regret MORE? Not taking a chance? Or taking a chance?
How on earth could you be sitting on a rocking chair at 90 years old and think:
"I'm sure glad I lived in the same place my whole life and never spent money on a vacation to visit a place I wanted to go, or never took a risk to do a volunteer program in a country I am scared of. Gosh, I am so glad I finished school as fast as I could and got a job immediately and stayed with the same company my whole life! I'm sure glad I always said "next time" but never got around to it! I really meant to, but ya know things just kept coming up!"
So. What now? Maybe you are thinking, wow I really do wish I would have taken that chance when I had it. This is not to make you feel guilty AT ALL. What this is is to invite you to be intentional with your rest. I think if you lost a job due to this, then you are going to be okay. Do you know how many people lost a job? I don't know but I think more people did then didn't.
It is not a helpful thought to think that your life is ruined because of finances. You are going to find a way. You are infinitely abundant. Count your blessings now. Remember, all there is is right now. So the fact that you can go sit on the grass right now and feel the wind, that is as abundant as it gets! Whether you are home, in Hawaii, Iceland, Aruba, Florida, Mexico, Burma...it doesn't matter. What does matter is that you allow yourself to choose what will fill you with joy. Take care of yourself from a place of joy!
SO. In this time, it is a perfect time to dream. Dream about your dream trip, your dream life, your dream job. Dream about it, then in whatever way you can, act as if it is going to happen. Do you build a website? Do you get a new dress? Do you go running every day? Whatever is gonna lead you to that...still do that.
I would love to connect with you on Facebook and Instagram! And please, leave a review on my podcast if you have not done so yet!
Instagram: @anniecowden
Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/invite-the-magic-with-annie/id1466035973