What I have been thinking a lot about lately, is the internal compass we have. And how we are faced with decisions in life over and over again. We have decisions we make daily, some out of habit. "habit" is not inherently good or bad. A habit is either helpful or not so helpful in getting you to BECOME the person you want to be. But it's not necessarily good or bad. It's just a whole lot more helpful if you HAVE a habit of actions that support your ultimate goal. Because then you have less decisions to make. Some helpful habits I have built over the last year are things like making my bed in the morning no matter what. I know many people had to do this growing up, but I never had to. I didn't start realizing the pleasure it brought me at the end of the day to get into a made bed. I also am much better about putting my clothes away right away, again so I can come home to a nice place. I am thankful for the space I have created, and habits I have built. I also want to thank myself for trusting myself. Many times we know, we KNOW what we want to do. And I fear that we are so disconnected from ourselves and so connected to the inter web that WE CAN'T EVEN HEAR WHERE THE VOICES ARE COMING FROM. The voices are almost ALWAYS fear of what someone else thinks.
Guess what. If someone is honestly that critical of you making a choice that is going to better your life, then they are so upset that they are not willing yet to make changes in their life. And if they are judging your decision because they don't think it's wise, then they are just going to have to suffer. It's not up to you how much your decision affects them. They have liberty to let it go, but they may not. And people will be that way.
Trusting Yourself
But the important thing is to look back at the choices you made when you DID trust yourself, and see what the results were. Then look at choices when you didn't trust yourself. You probably either have a regret, OR you have no change...because if you don't change then why would your life look different. You do not know just how much your life will change by trusting yourself.
#InviteTheMagic @AnnieCowden #AnnieCowden